Looking for tips on how to take care of a Samoyed? Our article covers all the essentials so that you can give your Sammy the best possible care. 

These fluffy dogs are beautiful, kind, and friendly, which makes them great companions. However, caring for a Samoyed can be challenging, especially for first-time owners. 

These dogs have thick, heavy coats requiring regular grooming to keep them looking their best. 

In addition to their grooming needs, Samoyeds also have specific dietary requirements, exercise needs, and health concerns that need to be addressed. 

We’ll explore tips and tricks to help you keep your Samoyed healthy, happy, and looking their best. 

Dietary & Nutritional Needs

Senior Samoyed

As your Samoyed grows older, they will likely have a weaker appetite due to their age and reduced activity level. 

This means that they will require fewer calories. Maintaining the same food portions as during their adult years and avoiding unhealthy snacks is recommended.

You should be mindful of unhealthy treats, especially during their senior years, as they become more susceptible to age-related health concerns. 

Opt for nutrient-dense foods rich in vitamins and minerals, and avoid fatty and sodium-rich foods. You can still feed your senior Samoyed two meals daily of adult or senior dog food.

Much like their human counterparts, senior dogs require moderate physical and mental stimulation to maintain their health and well-being. Achieving this all starts with providing them with a well-rounded and nutritious diet.

Samoyed Puppies

The diet of your Samoyed puppy is dependent on its age and level of activity. Feeding the puppy their mother’s milk until they are ten weeks old is advisable. 

After that, you can start transitioning them to puppy food. Dry dog food is a nutritious option that can be softened with water or wet food to facilitate the transition. 

From the twelfth week until the first year, feeding your puppy three meals a day of dry or cooked dog food is recommended. 

High-calorie dry dog food is recommended during this stage to promote muscle development. Once your Samoyed reaches its full weight potential, you can transition to an adult dog diet.

Grooming Your Sammy Friend

Samoyeds have a thick double fur coat, with a soft undercoat and longer outer coat that provides natural insulation. 

This unique combination helps to regulate their body temperature in varying weather conditions. Regular grooming is crucial to maintaining your Samoyed’s coat health and appearance. 

As they are heavy shedders all year round, brushing them frequently during their peak shedding seasons in spring and fall is essential. This helps to prevent the matting and tangling of loose hair in their fur.

Using a slicker brush to penetrate their thick undercoat while brushing is recommended. Not only does regular brushing keep your Samoyed looking beautiful, but it also evenly distributes natural oils throughout their coat, promoting coat health.

You also need to avoid shaving your coat, as it could lead to sunburn and overheating, which could be dangerous. Apart from grooming their coat, you should also regularly take care of the nails, teeth, and ears. 

Trimming their nails helps to prevent overgrowth and avoids getting them caught in their fur. Brushing their teeth with pet-safe toothpaste helps to prevent dental problems, while cleaning their ears prevents ear infections and mites.

Exercising Your Samoyed

If you’re lucky enough to own a Samoyed, you know how friendly and lovable these furry companions can be.

However, to keep them healthy and happy, it’s essential to provide them with plenty of exercise. Samoyeds were originally bred for hunting, meaning they have high energy levels that must be expended daily.

It’s recommended that Samoyeds get at least two hours of exercise each day, which can include taking long walks, herding, running sessions, sledding, or one-on-one playtime with their owners. 

Samoyeds may become bored and anxious and exhibit destructive behavior without sufficient exercise. 

Finding a canine playmate is one effective method to ensure that your Samoyed receives sufficient exercise. 

Samoyeds are very friendly with other dogs, and having a partner to run and play with can help to ensure that all that energy is spent. 

However, it is vital to introduce your Samoyed to new dogs slowly and under controlled circumstances, as they may become quite excited when meeting new pals.

Training Your Sammie Friend

Samoyeds are known for their intelligence and ambition, which makes them quick learners. However, their independent and stubborn nature can sometimes make the training process challenging. 

The best time to start obedience lessons is when your Samoyed is seven to eight weeks old. This is an excellent opportunity to establish a strong bond with your furry companion and set the foundation for a successful training experience. 

Basic commands such as “sit,” “stay,” and “come” should be taught, as well as socializing them with other dogs and people. A well-trained Samoyed is happy and will be a great exercise partner.

Ensuring that your training sessions are brief yet engaging is crucial to keep your Samoyed’s attention. They tend to lose interest quickly, so it is best to keep the sessions within the 15-20 minute range. 

Additionally, you can use toys, treats, and praise as incentives to keep your Samoyed motivated and focused during the training. The key to successful training is patience, as Samoyeds may exhibit independence and stubbornness. 

Consistency and calmness are essential throughout the training process. Don’t get frustrated if your Samoyed doesn’t respond immediately. With time and patience, progress will be made.

You should remember that training your Samoyed is a continuous process. Even after teaching them good manners and behavior, it is essential to continually reinforce them over time. 

Consistency is the key, and you should keep using positive reinforcement and make training sessions enjoyable and engaging for your furry companion.

Common Health Issues To Watch Out On Your Samoyed

Samoyeds, like other dogs, are susceptible to certain health problems that owners should be aware of. 

Although appropriate care and attention can help manage many of these health issues, it is crucial to be proactive and vigilant toward the health of your Samoyed. Here are the top health concerns that affect this breed.

1. Digestive issues – Samoyed dogs often experience digestive problems like bloating, gas, and diarrhea for various reasons, such as food allergies and infections. 

To prevent such problems, it is necessary to monitor their diet, avoid abrupt changes in their food, and provide adequate water. 

If you want to change their diet, progressively introduce the new food in small quantities.

2. Allergies – Samoyed dogs are prone to allergies triggered by environmental elements like pollen, dust mites, and mold. They can also suffer from allergies due to food or flea bites. 

3. Ear infection – The floppy ears of Samoyeds can easily trap moisture and bacteria, which can cause ear infections in them. 

If your Samoyed displays symptoms like redness, swelling, discharge, or an unpleasant odor, it may suffer from an ear infection. 

4. Samoyed Hereditary Glomerulopathy – It is a genetic kidney disorder that affects the glomerulus, a kidney filter. SHG causes proteins to spill into the urine, leading to kidney failure by age 5.

However, a genetic DNA test is available for SHG. Although there is no definite cure for SHG, certain ACE-inhibitor medications and high-quality, protein-restricted diets can help slow down the progression of this disease.

5. Hip Dysplasia Hip dysplasia – Although there is a genetic component to this condition, certain lifestyle habits, including the growth rate, muscle mass, diet, and Samoyeds’ exercise, can also contribute to its development.

PennHIP screening is available to determine the likelihood of a dog developing hip dysplasia. 

If your dog is diagnosed with this condition, various treatment options are available, including medication, supplements, and surgery. Managing your dog’s weight is also crucial for long-term management.

6. Glaucoma – Glaucoma is a medical condition in which the pressure inside the eye increases, causing harm to the optic nerve and the possibility of permanent blindness. 

The symptoms of glaucoma may include redness, cloudiness, and an increase in the size of the eye. 

The most common treatments for glaucoma involve medication or surgery to alleviate the pressure from the eye.

7. Progressive Retinal Atrophy (PRA) – Progressive Retinal Atrophy is a hereditary disease that impacts the retina and can result in complete blindness. 

Samoyed dogs may be more prone to developing this condition, which symptoms like night blindness and a gradual decline in vision can identify. 

Although no known cure for PRA exists, it can slow the disease’s progression and extend the dog’s vision through early detection and treatment.


Knowing how to take care of a Samoyed is crucial for the health and happiness of your furry friend.

You can ensure that they remain healthy, happy, and content by providing them with proper nutrition, regular exercise, grooming, and attention.. 

It is also crucial to offer them enough socialization and training to develop them into well-behaved companions. 

Additionally, scheduling regular appointments with the vet is necessary to monitor their health and detect potential health issues early on. 

By following these simple tips, you can create a happy and healthy life for your Samoyed, and they will reward you with unconditional love and loyalty that will last a lifetime.

About the Author

Raising Samoyeds

Raising Samoyeds serves as a go-to resource for Samoyed owners and prospective owners. Our blog shares insights, stories and tips relevant to both new and experienced owners alike in raising these magnificent dogs.

Our content covers everything from finding Samoyed puppies for sale, to training and grooming guides, health and nutrition advice and even heartwarming stories about life with Samoyeds.

RaisingSamoyeds.com exists to assist readers on their journey with these wonderful dogs, encouraging responsible ownership, and celebrating the unique charm and companionship they bring into our lives. Through expert knowledge and personal experiences shared here on Raising Samoyeds' blog, Raising Samoyeds provides a supportive community for Samoyed fans worldwide.

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