Samoyeds are a captivating breed of dogs known for their fluffy white coat, friendly demeanor, and Arctic heritage. While the white coat is the most common and iconic color associated with Samoyeds, these beautiful canines come in a few other color variations as well. In this article, we will explore the different colors that Samoyeds can exhibit and discuss some interesting aspects of their coat genetics.

What colors do Samoyeds come in?

Samoyeds primarily come in a striking, fluffy white coat, their most common and iconic color. However, they can also have biscuit or cream variations, displaying a light beige or pale cream fur. In rarer cases, some Samoyeds may exhibit a sable color pattern, mixing white with shades of brown or gray. Additionally, there are even more uncommon variations like red and blue Samoyeds, featuring deep reddish-brown or silvery-blue fur, respectively. The beauty of Samoyeds lies not only in their classic white coat but also in these unique and captivating color variations.

The Classic White Coat

The Classic White Coat of the Samoyed is undoubtedly their most iconic and striking feature. This stunning, fluffy fur gives them a majestic appearance and reflects their historical role as sled-pulling and herding dogs in the harsh Arctic climates. The white coat is a defining characteristic of the breed and has been meticulously preserved over generations of careful breeding.

The Samoyed’s white coat is double-layered, with a soft, dense undercoat providing insulation against the cold and a longer, coarse outer coat that repels moisture. This dual-layered coat enables them to thrive in sub-zero temperatures and protects them from harsh elements.

A double recessive gene primarily causes the white coloration of Samoyeds. This means both parents must carry the recessive gene for a puppy to be born with a white coat. Breeders carefully select mating pairs to ensure that this desirable trait is maintained and strengthened in the breed. The dedication to preserving the classic white coat is crucial not only for the breed’s aesthetics but also for its historical significance and functional abilities.

Beyond its practical advantages, the pristine white fur adds to the breed’s appeal, giving them an elegant and angelic appearance. It also makes them highly photogenic, often featured in advertisements, movies, and social media due to their photogenic charm.

While Samoyeds are admired for their friendly temperament and playful nature, the classic white coat captures the hearts of dog lovers worldwide. It stands as a symbol of their Arctic heritage and their enduring role as a beloved companion, working dog, and loyal family member.

Biscuit or Cream Color Variation

  • The biscuit or cream color variation in Samoyeds is a unique and less common coat color compared to classic white. In this variation, the Samoyed’s fur displays a light beige or pale cream color, which can sometimes appear slightly darker around the ears and muzzle. The biscuit coloration adds a warm and gentle touch to the breed’s appearance, making these dogs even more endearing.
  • The biscuit color variation is the result of a combination of different genes, and it is primarily caused by a modifier gene that affects the expression of pigmentation in the coat. This modifier gene interacts with the genes responsible for melanin production, the pigment responsible for various coat colors in dogs.
  • Breeders specializing in producing biscuits or cream Samoyeds meticulously select mating pairs to carry and pass on the specific combination of genes necessary for this color variation. As a result, the biscuit coat remains a rare and treasured trait within the breed.
  • The beauty of biscuit Samoyeds lies in the subtle contrast of their pale coat against their dark, expressive eyes and black nose. While the classic white Samoyeds capture attention with their bright, snow-like appearance, the biscuit variation exudes a soft and elegant charm that sets them apart.
  • It’s important to note that regardless of the coat color variation, all Samoyeds share the same affectionate and friendly temperament, making them excellent family pets and loyal companions. The biscuit or cream coloration is just another delightful facet that adds to the overall allure of this exceptional breed.

Sable Color Pattern of Samoyeds

The sable color pattern in Samoyeds is a fascinating and less common coat variation characterized by a mix of white and shades of brown or gray. This unique coloration gives some Samoyeds a striking appearance, resembling the wild and majestic look of wolves. Here are some key points about the sable color pattern in Samoyeds:

Genetic Basis:

The sable color pattern in Samoyeds is determined by a specific set of genes that influence the distribution of pigmentation in the coat. The interaction of these genes results in a mixture of white and darker colors, producing a distinct sable pattern.


The intensity of the sable coloration can vary widely, with some Samoyeds exhibiting a subtle interplay of colors. In contrast, others may have more prominent patches or streaks of darker shades. Each dog’s sable pattern is unique, contributing to its individuality.

Resemblance to Wolves:

The sable color pattern’s resemblance to wolves is a captivating aspect that captures the imagination of dog enthusiasts. It gives some Samoyeds a primal and untamed appearance, despite their affectionate and friendly temperament.


While the classic white coat remains the most common color in Samoyeds, the sable variation is less frequently seen in the breed. Breeders who aim to produce sable Samoyeds carefully select mating pairs with the appropriate genetic background to enhance and preserve this striking coloration.

Eye Color:

Sable Samoyeds may have varying eye colors, ranging from dark brown to striking blue or a combination of both. The eye color often complements the overall appearance and enhances the captivating charm of the sable coat.


The sable color pattern has gained appreciation among dog enthusiasts who value the diversity and unique qualities of the Samoyed breed. While less commonly seen in the show ring or advertisements, sable Samoyeds holds a special allure for those who appreciate their distinctive appearance.

What Factors Affect Coat Color?

The coat color of dogs, including Samoyeds, is influenced by various factors, both genetic and non-genetic. Here are the key factors affecting coat color:


The primary factor influencing a dog’s coat color is its genetic makeup. Different genes control the production, distribution, and intensity of pigments in the fur. Genes interact complexly, leading to various coat color variations and patterns. Breeders carefully select mating pairs to produce specific coat colors or patterns.


Coat color genes are inherited from the dog’s parents. The combination of genes each parent receives determines the offspring’s coat color. Some coat color genes are recessive, requiring both parents to carry the gene for it to be expressed in the offspring.

Modifier Genes:

Apart from the primary coat color genes, modifier genes can influence how the coat color is expressed. These genes can intensify, dilute, or alter the distribution of pigments, leading to subtle changes in the coat’s color.

Eumelanin and Phaeomelanin:

Two types of pigments, eumelanin, and phaeomelanin, are responsible for various colors in a dog’s coat. Eumelanin produces black and brown colors, while phaeomelanin produces red and yellow. The balance and interaction of these pigments contribute to coat color variations.


The coat color of some dogs, especially those with specific patterns like merle or brindle, can change as they age. Puppies may have different coat colors than their adult counterparts.

Environmental Factors:

While genetics primarily determine coat color, environmental factors like sunlight exposure and temperature can affect the intensity and fading of specific coat colors. For example, dogs with black coats may show a reddish tinge if exposed to prolonged sunlight.


Coat color can be influenced by crossbreeding with other dog breeds. When two breeds with different coat colors are crossed, the offspring may display new variations not typically seen in either parent breed.


Samoyeds are enchanting dogs with a fascinating array of coat color variations. While their classic white coat remains the most recognizable, the biscuit, sable, red, and even blue color variations add diversity to this beautiful breed. The genetics behind these coat colors are intricate, and responsible breeding plays a crucial role in preserving and promoting these unique variations. Whether white or biscuit, sable or red, Samoyeds continue to capture the hearts of dog enthusiasts worldwide with their charming looks and affectionate nature.

About the Author

Raising Samoyeds

Raising Samoyeds serves as a go-to resource for Samoyed owners and prospective owners. Our blog shares insights, stories and tips relevant to both new and experienced owners alike in raising these magnificent dogs.

Our content covers everything from finding Samoyed puppies for sale, to training and grooming guides, health and nutrition advice and even heartwarming stories about life with Samoyeds. exists to assist readers on their journey with these wonderful dogs, encouraging responsible ownership, and celebrating the unique charm and companionship they bring into our lives. Through expert knowledge and personal experiences shared here on Raising Samoyeds' blog, Raising Samoyeds provides a supportive community for Samoyed fans worldwide.

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