Samoyed dogs are beloved family companions known for their thick white coats and require regular grooming sessions to maintain appearance and health. One question that often arises is, will Samoyed hair grow back behind ears? Samoyed owners need to understand the natural hair growth cycle, including any factors which might hinder it, to care for their dogs properly.

A major concern among Samoyed owners is hair loss behind the ears. In this article, we will investigate the reasons behind Samoyed hair loss behind the ears as well as answer your question as to if or when it will grow again; additionally, we provide tips for grooming Samoyeds to prevent future loss!

Will Samoyed Hair Grow Back? 

Yes, Samoyed hair will usually return if it falls out for non-permanent reasons such as seasonal shedding or minor skin irritations; the length of time for its return varies according to each dog and the underlying cause for its loss.

Understanding Samoyed Hair Growth

Samoyeds have two types of fur coats – an undercoat made of soft, dense fibers and an outer coat consisting of longer, coarser fur – designed to keep them warm and cozy and protect them from the elements. The soft dense undercoat helps provide warmth while its coarse outer coat serves as protection.

Samoyeds are like all dogs in that their hair growth cycle consists of three stages: anagen, catagen, and telogen. Anagen is an active phase wherein new hair is produced from its follicle. During catagen and telogen phases, however, new hair is no longer produced from that area of their head follicle.

The catagen phase is an intermediate step in which hair follicles begin to reduce in size and hair stops growing.

The telogen phase is a resting stage during which hair stops growing but remains fully formed; afterward, it falls out, and the cycle restarts.

Samoyeds vary widely in their individual growth patterns, but most will experience seasonal shedding at least twice annually.

As spring arrives, the undercoat will shed heavily to give way to new growth in its place. Regular grooming during this season can help minimize how much hair ends up on furniture and clothing.

Factors that influence hair growth in Samoyeds include genetics, diet, age, and overall health. Proper nutrition and regular grooming can promote healthy hair growth for your Samoyed. Stress and anxiety may also impede their hair growth, so it’s essential that they reside in an atmosphere that provides comfort and security.

Reasons Behind Hair Loss in Samoyeds

Hair loss in Samoyeds behind their ears could be due to various reasons:


 Like other breeds of dogs, Samoyeds may become allergic to pollen, dust, and mold found in their environment, leading to skin irritation and itching – and possibly leading to hair loss in extreme cases. These allergens can include pollen, dust mites, or mold growths in their environment – something Samoyeds are especially susceptible to developing allergies too.


Parasites such as fleas, ticks, or mites can cause skin irritation and itching that leads to hair loss. Furthermore, parasites may transmit diseases and cause other health complications; so it’s essential that steps be taken to both prevent and treat parasite infestations as soon as they appear.

Fungal infections 

Fungal infections such as ringworm can lead to hair loss in dogs, including around their ears and behind them. Since fungal infections are highly contagious, it is essential that any Samoyed who may be affected seek veterinary assistance immediately if you suspect their illness.

Trauma or Injury 

Injuries to the skin behind the ears can result in hair loss as the body attempts to repair any damaged tissue, leading to scratched or rubbed ears, accidents, or injuries as possible causes of trauma.

Underlying medical conditions 

Hair loss behind the ears could also be indicative of an underlying medical condition, such as hypothyroidism or an autoimmune disease that requires medical evaluation and management from a veterinarian in order to be effectively managed.

If your Samoyed is experiencing hair loss behind its ears, it is crucial that they speak with a veterinarian in order to pinpoint its source and develop an appropriate plan of care.

Steps To Promote Hair Regrowth

If your Samoyed is experiencing hair loss behind its ears, there are steps that can help promote hair regrowth. Here are a few suggestions:

Address the Root Cause 

To help promote hair regrowth, the initial step must be identifying and treating its source of loss. For instance, allergies could be to blame, and they could benefit from medication to manage them or antifungal therapy from their veterinarian; should there be fungal infections involved, antifungal medicine might also be prescribed by them.

Practice good grooming practices 

Regular grooming sessions can help remove dead hair, promote healthy skin, and increase blood circulation to the hair follicles. Use a slicker brush to gently pull loose strands away and stimulate skin behind the ears – being careful not to pull or tug at any hair!

Provide a balanced diet 

Eating foods rich in essential nutrients is key to encouraging the healthy growth of hair in pets. Look for high-quality pet food that includes protein, vitamins and minerals, and omega-3 fatty acids for maximum skin and coat health.

Consider Supplements

Biotin and zinc supplements can support healthy hair growth in Samoyeds. It’s best to speak to your veterinarian before adding supplements to their diet.

Give it Time

Hair regrowth can be a slow process; be patient, as this may take weeks or months, depending on the cause of hair loss.

By treating the source of hair loss and providing an ideal environment for hair regrowth, you can assist your Samoyed in regrowing its back ear hairs.

Tips For Grooming Samoyed Dogs

Grooming Samoyed dogs is an integral component of their care, helping maintain their thick and luxurious coat. Here are some helpful tips on grooming Samoyeds:

1. Brush Regularly

Samoyeds have double coats that shed twice annually, so regular brushing is key for keeping their double coat healthy and free of dead hair and matting. A slicker brush works best to remove loose locks while detangling any mats using a comb; use both to brush regularly throughout non-shedding seasons as well as daily during shedding seasons for best results. Brushing can keep their fur healthy.

2. Bathe periodically

Samoyeds have self-cleaning coats, so regular baths may not be necessary, but occasional bathing with mild dog shampoo will keep their coat looking their best and avoid leaving behind any residue.

3. Trim Nails 

Samoyeds have thick nails that grow quickly. Regular nail trimming will prevent painful overgrowth and ensure their feet stay healthy. If you feel unequipped to trim them yourself, professional groomers or veterinarians are also available for professional nail care services.

4. Clean ears 

Samoyeds can become susceptible to ear infections, so it’s essential that their ears are regularly cleaned with an appropriate gentle cleaner prescribed by your veterinarian. Use cotton balls or a soft cloth to gently wipe their ears with cotton balls, using an approved solution from their vet.

5. Keep an eye out for skin irritations 

Samoyeds are susceptible to skin rashes and hot spots, so keep a watchful eye out for any red, irritated spots on their bodies – if anything seems off, consult your veterinarian immediately!

By following these grooming tips, you can help keep your Samoyed’s coat healthy and beautiful while strengthening the bond between yourself and their furry friend.

Preventing Hair Loss In Samoyed Dogs

Preventing hair loss in Samoyed dogs involves both regular grooming practices and leading a healthy lifestyle. Here are some strategies for mitigating it in your Samoyed:

Grooming on a Regular Basis

Grooming regularly can help to remove dead hair, avoid mats, stimulate skin health, and promote healthy hair growth. Brushing, combing, and bathing all contribute to this routine process of grooming.

Balanced diet 

To promote optimal skin and coat health in Samoyeds, consult with your veterinarian regarding an optimal diet that contains proteins, vitamins, and minerals. They’ll be able to advise which one will best meet the needs of their Samoyed!

Avoid harsh chemicals

Avoid harsh shampoos, conditioners, and other grooming products which could irritate Samoyed’s skin and result in hair loss.

Parasite Prevention 

Protect yourself against flea, tick, and mite infestation by using preventative products recommended by your veterinarian.

Exercise and play 

Regular physical activity and play are vital in maintaining optimal physical health as well as relieving the anxiety that could impede hair growth.

Manage Stress and Anxiety 

Anxiety can contribute to hair loss in dogs. Provide your Samoyed with a calm environment, including natural remedies or medication for anxiety management if necessary.

By following these tips, you can help prevent hair loss in your Samoyed and keep his coat healthy and beautiful. If you notice any signs of hair loss, consult with your veterinarian immediately so they can determine its source and create a treatment plan to address it.

Will Samoyed Hair Grow Back Behind Ears? Final Thoughts

Samoyed hair growth is a natural process, yet it can be disrupted by various external influences. Hair loss behind Samoyed ears may be due to allergies, parasites, fungal infections, trauma or injury, or medical conditions; with proper care and treatment plans, however, most Samoyeds’ hair should grow back within two months.

About the Author

Raising Samoyeds

Raising Samoyeds serves as a go-to resource for Samoyed owners and prospective owners. Our blog shares insights, stories and tips relevant to both new and experienced owners alike in raising these magnificent dogs.

Our content covers everything from finding Samoyed puppies for sale, to training and grooming guides, health and nutrition advice and even heartwarming stories about life with Samoyeds. exists to assist readers on their journey with these wonderful dogs, encouraging responsible ownership, and celebrating the unique charm and companionship they bring into our lives. Through expert knowledge and personal experiences shared here on Raising Samoyeds' blog, Raising Samoyeds provides a supportive community for Samoyed fans worldwide.

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